Around the Region
Learn about people, companies making difference at work and in their communities, including Marcos Nogués, who was named chief investment officer at First Merchants Corp.
Learn about people, companies making difference at work and in their communities, including Marcos Nogués, who was named chief investment officer at First Merchants Corp.
Learn about people, companies making difference at work and in their communities, including Centier Bank’s Glenn Peterson, who was named the Elkhart branch manager.
Learn about people, companies making difference at work and in their communities, including Yolanda Davis as a vice president at Centier Bank.
Learn about people, companies making difference at work and in their communities, including Anthony Contrucci’s promotion.
Learn about people, companies making a difference at work and in their communities, including Marcus Mayer who was named branch manager of the Merrillville branch.
Learn about people and companies making a difference at work and in their communities, including Scott McKee who was named the corporate social responsibility director for First Merchants Corp.
Learn about people, companies making a difference at work and in their communities.
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