Opinion Archives • Page 4 of 14 • Northwest Indiana Business Magazine
February-March 2023 issue

Publisher’s note

In this issue, we launch a new yearlong series: “The future of.” We will explore the plans and projects of our Region one city at a time.

Geri Aglipay

Viewpoint: ‘Economic equity in action’

Geri Aglipay, U.S. Small Business Administration’s regional administrator for Region V in the Great Lakes Midwest states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin, shares the vision of the SBA Equity Plan.

December-January 2023 issue cover

In this issue

After almost five years, Larry Avila resigned as managing editor of the Northwest Indiana Business Magazine. He will be missed!

Marie Eisenstein

Viewpoint: Begin with tolerance

Political disagreements in the workplace chance to practice acceptance without escalation, says IUN expert Marie Eisenstein.

October-November 2022 issue cover

In this issue

Northwest Indiana is full of great discoveries, and sometimes, they come from familiar places, including the Region’s steel industry.

Pete Visclosky

Viewpoint: Airport’s promising future

Former congressman Pete Visclosky, who is now on the Gary/Chicago International Airport Authority Board, says the GCIA is on the verge of exponential growth.

August-September 2022 issue cover

In this issue

In this issue, we explore community-based business development and how helping others leads to long-term relationships both with clients and employees.

Peter Novak

Viewpoint: Reimagine the future

Pete Novak of the National Association of Realtors says diversified housing stock is essential to helping Region’s long-term economic growth.

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