Publisher's Note Archives • Page 2 of 5 • Northwest Indiana Business Magazine

Publisher’s Note

February-March 2023 issue

Publisher’s note

In this issue, we launch a new yearlong series: “The future of.” We will explore the plans and projects of our Region one city at a time.

December-January 2023 issue cover

In this issue

After almost five years, Larry Avila resigned as managing editor of the Northwest Indiana Business Magazine. He will be missed!

October-November 2022 issue cover

In this issue

Northwest Indiana is full of great discoveries, and sometimes, they come from familiar places, including the Region’s steel industry.

August-September 2022 issue cover

In this issue

In this issue, we explore community-based business development and how helping others leads to long-term relationships both with clients and employees.

June-July 2022 issue

In this issue

In this issue, we explore remote work, education for the next generation of entrepreneurs, brand reputation and cryptocurrency. We interview WNBA exec too!

April-May 2022 issue

In this issue

Northwest Indiana Business Magazine reveals its Best of Business Award winners in the April-May 2022 issue, along with stories about new venues, sustainable practices, the housing market, among others!

Februrary-March 2022 issue

In this issue

In the February-March 2022 issue of Northwest Indiana Business Magazine, how to keep the economy moving forward is the hot topic. Many will have to contribute, including health care, manufacturing, transportation, entrepreneurs and government agencies.

December-January 2022 issue

In this issue

In this issue, the 2021 Entrepreneurial Excellence (E-Day) Award winners and Society of Innovators honorees overcame hurdles to end the year strong.

October-November 2021 issue

In this issue

There’s no question the crisis brought on by the pandemic has changed how the world functions. Businesses the past year have adapted to new ways of doing things, including implementing a range of safety protocols for employees as well as how they interact with customers.

August-September 2021 issue cover

In this issue

Entrepreneurs have options – especially in Northwest Indiana. And that’s what this edition is all about. We share the successes of small business owners like KC Mars and Rockland Page.

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