Moving Up On the Executive Team Ladder

Could you use some tips from a top business consultant on how employees can get on “the list” and move up the executive team ladder? Performance experts Antoine Gerschel and Lawrence Polsky, authors of Rapid Retooling and managing partners at the global team consulting firm, can provide insight on how to advance your career.

“Act like you realize that you can be fired tomorrow,” says Lawrence. “Always assume that they want to fire you. You're replaceable. It could be closer than you think.”

4 Tips for Getting on the executive team and/ or moving up the ranks on the executive team include:

1. Don't be blackmailable – Don't do things in personal and biz life that would prevent you from getting on the list. Story of manufacturing executive who was almost tapped as next CEO, but had too many affairs.

2. Shut up and do something – Most leaders do a decent job for what they are asked, but not more. Then they expect to be promoted. They easily discuss and share their ‘brilliance' into what senior leadership should be doing. Yet do nothing new or interesting. They complain to their peers about the mistakes made by others, but they themselves don't take any chances. Be proactive and figure out what needs to be done. And do it. The ones that get on the list are the ones that make things happen. They don't sit around and wait to be told what to do. The higher up you go the more competition there is for position. You need to be bold and take risks to stand out. Story of HR executive who didn't have extensive credentials but had a good sense of people and timing and got things done.

3. Accept every opportunity – Company going global, but top man for position turned it down as he didn't want to move. That was the end of his climb on the ladder.

4. We not me – You will not get on the list when you are focused more on yourself, your ideas, and not on your team, the executive team or the business. Story of Fortune 500 energy company executive charging up the hill.

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