Track pursuits pay off
The long-awaited West Lake Corridor and double-track transportation projects are laying the groundwork for development near new stations.
The long-awaited West Lake Corridor and double-track transportation projects are laying the groundwork for development near new stations.
Despite nationwide economic stagnation, the Region’s commercial real estate boom appears poised to continue in the months ahead, experts say.
As restrictions ease on public interaction and businesses gradually reopen, organizations are preparing to operate under a new environment created by the coronavirus pandemic.
South Shore Line launches Sanitized for Rider Safety program Read More »
Besides work on railways, extensive work on roadways also has been done to get people out of their cars and relieve traffic congestion in the Region.
The passenger rail expansion movement has spurred Region leaders and developers to think beyond the usual growth projects.
Northwest Indiana planners keep future in mind when maintaining, improving Region’s infrastructure, including a double-track project on South Shore Line.