Around the Region
Learn about people and companies making difference at work and in their communities, including Lydia Post of Centier Bank.
Learn about people and companies making difference at work and in their communities, including Lydia Post of Centier Bank.
Learn about people and companies making difference at work and in their communities, including Alexia Perez , senior accountant at CLH.
Learn about people, companies making difference at work and in their communities, including Kylee Fraze Norman of CLH, CPAs & Consultants.
Learn about people, companies making difference at work and in their communities, including Christian Ramos of Arkos Design.
Learn about people and companies making a difference at work and in their communities, including Megan Applegate, who was recently among the keynote speakers at the annual Not-For-Profit Conference, sponsored by the Indiana CPA Society.
Learn about people and companies making a difference at work and in their communities, including Scott McKee who was named the corporate social responsibility director for First Merchants Corp.
Todd Schurz, president and CEO of Schurz Communications Inc., is the newest member of the board of directors for South Bend-based 1st Source Corp. and 1st Source Bank.
Todd Schurz named to 1st Source Corp. board of directors Read More »