Troy Linker

Investing in Your Team

Small investments in employee training, recognition and benefits improves morale and the bottom line Most of us know intuitively that the human element is what differentiates us from other businesses. It is easy to lose sight of it at time when we get wrapped up in a new piece of machinery, a new process or

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Anthony Sindone

Employment Times are Changing

Region’s changing demographics attract health care, service-based jobs Northwest Indiana is undergoing a demographic transformation. Changes to the age, race, gender and ethnicity of those in the Region present challenges and opportunities, experts say. As in life, it’s how we respond to those changes that will dictate the success of our future. Between 2010 and

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Dr. Vanessa Allen-McCloud

Equal Ground to Opportunity

Courageous conversations can lead to change Sometimes we can feel that we are up against impossible odds. The challenges of racial and economic injustices, the difficulty many find moving forward on the path to equality and the resistance we see on a national level to policies leading to the “greater good” can leave us wondering

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