Publisher’s Note – Winter 2010

Are you a revolutionary?  According to Penny Lewandowski, Director of Entrepreneurship Development, Edward Lowe Foundation out of Maryland, the 2009 “Entrepreneurial Excellence Awards,” recipients are.

Our cover story written by our Editor, Rick Richards will inspire you and hopefully, give you a greater respect for what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur in this challenging workplace environment. Being fearful of how the future may unfold? Not these individuals. They are confident and bold.  But they also recognize that another key element of a successful business is its employees.  As a successful entrepreneur myself, I would not be in this position without those who have helped me succeed and continue to advise when times are not so certain. That keeps me humble.

The stress of our uncertain times not only strains our businesses but affects us personally as well.  Stress increases cortisol levels in the body which, among other harms, slows down our metabolism! Even prior to this added obstacle Indiana was already not faring very well as it was already ranked among the nation’s highest in numbers of overweight individuals! We asked the question, “could economic recovery start at the doctor’s office?”  We can be part of the solution to this overweight issue and health care reform. It starts with “us.” We need to be the change that can influence and transform our co-workers to be healthier and live better lives.  It’s living with the attitude of “gratitude.”  Having a positive attitude and mental outlook can bring amazing results in the workplace.  We have dedicated a special section to addressing “workplace wellness” and more inside, written by our health expert, Shari Held.

“Green” is the word as we begin this new decade and it is the focus of several articles this quarter as we begin the year.  And it is our responsibility to help reduce our carbon footprint in the home and the office. It is going to be the source of economic growth, job creation and emerging industries.

Enjoy our winter issue.  See you around the region.


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