Welcome to 2014!

The year has opened with positive beginnings and cooperative attitudes.

Though January has been bitterly cold, we're seeing positive beginnings for Indiana's economy and more cooperative attitudes from our state legislators–if they can just realize that the state cannot rule or control preferences for lifetime partners. There is legislation that is equally or more important that needs attention, focus and humane consideration.

On the positive side of 2014, there are signs of economic improvement, especially in new home construction, and manufacturing is showing strength, especially here in Indiana. State and federal agencies are hiring again, and even with all the controversy over Obamacare, slower increases in health-care costs are helping to keep inflation low. On the other hand, interest rates are rising this year, which might hinder the housing recovery, and we still are waiting to learn what Washington decides to do about the debt ceiling.

At Northwest Indiana Business Quarterly, we are psyched up for an outstanding year! We have hired some new great writers, added more in-depth special reports, included exclusive interviews with both local and statewide leaders such as Attorney General Greg Zoeller, and of course, we're continuing to grow our distribution. We are even entering our magazine into some national publication award contests for the first time since we launched more than two decades ago!

It's compelling to read how the latest E-day award winners became successful as a startup, how they found the best franchise or how they maintained a family business. Read more inside as awardees share their business philosophies and thoughts on what it takes to be successful. We congratulate you and are honored to be one of the program's sponsors.

Manufacturing here in Indiana historically makes up about 28 percent of the state's economy, according to Pat Kiely, president of the Indiana Manufacturers Association. We profile three manufacturing innovators in this part of Indiana–Vanair's groundbreaking products help workers in many occupations; Monosol is on a hiring roll and developing innovative new products; and General Sheet Metal Works is remaking itself for the future of manufacturing.

Cardiovascular diseases are sometimes inherited but in many cases can be prevented. But even if something happens, today's technology for treating heart disease has come a long way. You will be fascinated by what we reveal on this subject.

We are so proud of our Indiana Pacers, and love their entertaining antics in getting the basketball to the hoop! Sports contributor Ben Smith shares an exclusive interview with Coach Frank Vogel–go Pacers! Flip the pages for more stories of interest, and please share your ideas and let us know how we are doing.

Lastly, I want to offer thanks for the supportive emails, phone calls, cards and more regarding my cancer diagnosis. I've successfully recovered from surgery, in which physicians removed the cancerous tumor and surrounding tissues in my pancreas. I'll be continuing chemotherapy for the next six months–the prognosis is very positive for a full recovery.

Enjoy our current issue!

–Glee Renick-May, Publisher


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