Pulse Technology creates password guide

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Midwest-based Pulse Technology has compiled a free, downloadable resource to help companies protect themselves from cyber criminals.

“A Guide to Creating Strong Password Policies” details best practices for creating and enforcing a password policy to help safeguard information. It provides information about the need for strong password policies and shows the dangers that can happen when a system is breached.

Weak passwords are a common cause of data breaches for organizations. Many people make hackers’ jobs easier, creating common passwords such as “123456” or using their name or birthday in passwords.

After gaining access to a company’s infrastructure, cyber criminals can access sensitive information, impersonate legitimate users and disrupt a company’s operations.

“Hackers are working around the clock to find new ways to breach the infrastructures of businesses and organizations,” said Chip Miceli, Pulse Technology president and CEO, in a press release. “Adopting, understanding and enforcing a strong password policy companywide is important for business security.”

The guide offers insight into key areas of password protection, including:

  • Components of a strong password policy
  • Importance of multi-factor authentication
  • Guidelines to creating a strong password
  • Other cybersecurity measures

Pulse Technology provides print management and IT services and sells office products and equipment. Pulse Technology is the re-branded name for several area businesses: Des Plaines Office Equipment, McShane’s and Kramer Leonard. Pulse Technology has locations in Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin.


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