Purdue announces new supercomputer

            WEST LAFAYETTE – The new Rossmann supercomputer at Purdue University is among the most powerful high-performance computing systems in the world, according to TOP500 Supercomputer Sites.

            The announcement was made this week at the SC10 supercomputing conference in New Orleans. The Rossmann supercomputer is 126th on the latest list. It is named after Michael Rossmann, Purdue’s Hanley Distinguished Professor of Biological Sciences and a pioneer in using high-performance computing to deduce the structure of viruses and their component protein molecules.

            “This system demonstrates Purdue’s ongoing strategic commitment to support a continually growing research portfolio by partnering with faculty to provide necessary computational cycles,” said John Campbell, associate vice president for academic technologies and research computing at Purdue.

            Purdue’s Coates supercomputer, built in 2009, also made the list and is ranked at 147th.


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