NIRPC seeks public input on transit plan

NIRPCThe Northwest Indiana Regional Planning Commission is seeking public input as it develops a coordinated public transit human services transportation plan.

NIRPC said a coordinated transit plan is a federal requirement to qualify for funding, which provides resources for eligible transit operators to improve mobility for people with disabilities, the elderly and low-income individuals.

NIRPC is hosting a series of meetings in August to collect public input:

  • Aug. 14, 2:30 p.m., Valparaiso, Porter County Public Library, 103 Jefferson St., Meeting Room B
  • Aug. 15, 5 p.m., Gary, Gary WorkOne office, 504 Broadway, 4th floor large conference room
  • Aug. 16, 3:30 p.m., Michigan City, Michigan City Public Library, 100 E. 4th St.

An online survey also will be available on NIRPC’s website.


  • Larry Avila
    Larry is an award-winning journalist with more than 25 years of experience working with daily newspapers and business-to-business publications around the Midwest. Avila is a Michigan native and a graduate of Central Michigan University.
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