NIPSCO receives innovation award

MERRILLVILLE – Kevin Kirkham, director of regulatory strategic analysis for NIPSCO, has been named Innovator of the Month for April by the Society of Innovators of Northwest Indiana.

NIPSCO is the only public electric utility in the nation that offers free electricity during off-peak usage hours to encourage the adoption of “plug-in” charging stations for electric vehicles, said Kirkham.

“There are a number of electric utilities offering discounted electric rates off-peak,” he said. “But NIPSCO is the first and only electric utility in the nation to offer it free.”  Off-peak hours range between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. The centerpiece of Phase I is to offer a $1,650 infrastructure credit to install a Level 2 charging station, he said.

Up to four different models are offered, which typically take two hours or less for a full charge. He added that 80 percent of the time this covers the full costs. The average additional cost is $159. Since the program was launched, 64 customers have completed or are in the process of completing the installation.

This team was nominated by Donald L. Babcock.



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