Lake Area United Way needs volunteers

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GRIFFITH – Lake Area United Way is looking for community members who live and/or work in Lake County to serve in the all-volunteer citizens review process to assist LAUW implement its community investment strategies.

The citizens review process ensures fiscal and program accountability among 31 agencies and initiatives receiving LAUW funding.  “This an enjoyable and interesting volunteer experience because it affords participants opportunities to meet new people while learning about

“Allocations volunteers are the community’s eyes and ears, ensuring fiscal and program accountability for the donors who make contributions to United Way,” added Sikes.  “Basically, they act as stewards of the money donated to United Way.

Allocation Committee volunteers will be responsible to attend a 2½ hour orientation on the morning of April 1 or 2 to better understand the process; review three or four agency/initiative funding request applications; participate in thr4ee or four two-hour agency reviews between April and June to determine how funded programs align with United Way’s defined goals in education, income and health, and what is the effectiveness of each agency’s service capability.

Anyone interested should contact Sikes at (219) 923-2302, Ext. 303 or e-mail




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