Indiana mayors can learn about China

            WEST LAFAYETTE – Purdue University has organized a workshop for Indiana mayors to learn more about China and economic development in the state.

            “The Indiana Mayoral Roundtable on China will help the leaders of Indiana’s cities learn more about China and how to better attract Chinese investment to their communities,” said Wei Hong, professor and director of the Confucius Institute at Purdue. “The ties between China – the second largest economy in the world – and Indiana, which is rich in manufacturing, agriculture and technology intensive sectors, continue to grow and are supported by the state with recent governor-led delegations.”

            The keynote speaker is Guoqiang Yang, consul general of the Consulate of the People’s Republic of China to Chicago. Also speaking will be mayors who traveled with Gov. Mitch Daniels on his recent trip to China.

            The roundtable will be held Friday, Feb. 25 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (EST) in Room 1142 of the Lawson Building. For more information, contact Amy Patterson Neubert at (765) 494-9723 or e-mail


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