Hopp named to American Academy of Nursing

HAMMOND – A Purdue University Calumet nursing professor has been inducted into the American Academy of Nursing. Lisa Hopp of Valparaiso is now a Fellow of the Academy for her record of scholarship and leadership relating to evidence-based nursing practice.

“Being inducted into the American Academy of Nursing means having the opportunity to work with some of the best minds in nursing to advance nursing practice and healthcare policy,” said Hopp, a 20-year faculty member. “We are at a tipping point where nurses can play a very important role in mending our ailing healthcare system. I am very honored to join this incredible group of nursing leaders.”

Hopp helped establish, develop and advance the Indiana Center for Evidence Based Nursing Practice, which is based at Purdue University Calumet’s School of Nursing. It is part of a global cooperative to expanding understanding and use of research-based evidence to produce best patient outcomes.




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