Gary Mayor Appointed Vice Chair of Public Safety Committee

Karen Freeman-Wilson, mayor, Gary, Ind. has been appointed vice chair of the National League of Cities (NLC) 2014 Public Safety & Crime Prevention Steering Committee. This committee has the lead responsibility for developing NLC federal policy positions on issues involving crime prevention, corrections, substance abuse, municipal fire policy, juvenile justice, disaster preparedness and relief, homeland security, domestic terrorism, court systems and gun control. The appointment was announced by NLC President Chris Coleman, mayor, St. Paul, Minn.

“I am honored to serve in this very important role,” said Freeman-Wilson. “I will be working alongside knowledgeable colleagues where we will share ideas and experiences that will ultimately elevate public safety and crime prevention in our respective communities.”

As vice chair of the committee, Freeman-Wilson will play a key role in shaping NLC’s policy positions and advocate on behalf of America’s cities and towns before Congress, with the Administration and at home.


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