Elite Truck and Auto to celebrate grand opening in Knox

Jerry Lain and Adam Minix wanted to open an auto repair shop close to home in Knox.

The two remodeled the former Miller’s Auto Finance location and turned it into Elite Truck and Auto at 0680 N. U.S. 35.

“We have a great location on the highway, our community needs more good automotive shops, and it seemed like the right time to make this move,” said Lain in a press release.

The two invested about $425,000, with help from 1st Source Bank financing about eight months ago. The funds included the purchase and remodeling of the building and acquiring equipment.

Elite Truck and Auto will include general automotive and heavy-duty repairs. It has four bays for repairs and two for detailing, as well as lifts that can accommodate up to 18,000 pounds.

“I think what sets us apart from other shops is we will be working on light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, where most other shops usually specialize in one or the other,” Minix said.

The shop has three employees, but the owners plan to expand to three more full-time mechanics and two detailers.

“Elite Truck and Auto will provide an essential service to our residents and business owners, which further enhances our quality of life and makes our community stronger,” Starke County Economic Development Foundation Executive Director Lisa Dan said.

Lain and Minix will celebrate a grand opening of the business from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. June 3. It will include door prizes, good and games.

The Starke County Economic Development Foundation is a nonprofit local economic development organization, which serves Starke County, the city of Knox, and the towns of North Judson and Hamlet.


  • Heather Pfundstein 2024
    Publisher/Executive Editor - Linker Media Group
    Heather Pfundstein is the publisher and executive editor of Northwest Indiana Business Magazine and NWIndianaBusiness.com. She is an award-winning journalist with more than 25 years of experience in Northwest Indiana and northern Illinois newsrooms. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in journalism from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. She has been part of the magazine's team since 2018.
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