Downtown South Bend to get attention

            SOUTH BEND – Jeff Gibney, director of Community and Economic Development for South Bend, has named Tamara Nicholl-Smith as director of downtown business recruitment.

            Nicholl-Smith will be responsible for developing and implementing long- and short-term business recrjuitment programs  for downtown. Her immediate focus will be to find uses for the College Football Hall of Fame building.

            “This new position was created out of the need for the downtown to have a representative whose full time effort is retail recruitment,” said Gibney.

            “My position is truly an addition to the business retention efforts of downtown South Bend. I hope to build off of their extensive efforts to create, promote and market a vibrant downtown,” said Nicholl-Snmith.

            When the College Football Hall of Fame announced plans to relocate to Atlanta, Nichol-Smith said  downtown business leaders recognized the need to determine its next use.


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