Indiana residents are finding earning a certificate or specialized credential offers a quick route to improve skills and secure high-demand, good paying jobs.
The number of Hoosiers earning certificates has increased by 500% the last decade, according to Indiana’s 2020 Certificates Report released by the Indiana Commission for Higher Education. This figure coincides with the state’s recent emphasis on residents pursuing short-term credentials to get more Hoosiers into high-demand careers.

“While two- and four-year degrees are the right fit for many of Indiana’s learners, a high-value certificate may be the best option for others, particularly those who are looking to upskill to keep up with an evolving economy, or others who are looking to change careers,” said Indiana Commissioner for Higher Education Teresa Lubbers.
The state said the increase in residents earning postsecondary certificates is helping Indiana reach its overall goal of at least 60% of working-age individuals having a quality education and training beyond high school by 2025.