Porter Health Care System CEO Steve Lunn and Laurie Wehner- Evans, the system’s director of Community and Corporate Wellness, recently presented an AED (automated external defibrillator) unit to the Duneland Family YMCA. The YMCA’s Executive Director Dave Kasarda accepted the unit at a presentation held earlier this month.
During the presentation, Lunn stated that their hope was that the YMCA would never have to use the AED, and added that Porter’s goal is to help keep all of the Y’s members, staff and visitors “heart safe.”
Kasarda commented, “On behalf of the Duneland Family YMCA, I would like to thank Porter Health Care System for the generous donation. There have been too many recent stories of athletes – young and old alike – with undiagnosed heart problems dying on the courts and fields. Our hope is that we never have to use an AED, but feel comfort in knowing that if needed, we are prepared, not only for our members, but our for staff and community as well.”