Merrillville-based Northern Indiana Public Service Co. is seeking requests for proposals for potential sources of clean-power generation.
“As we continue to further our Your Energy, Your Future, customer-focused plan, it’s important to consider all energy source options that balance the needs of our customers and communities,” said Violet Sistovaris, NIPSCO president. “This effort is consistent with our goal to focus on providing affordable, reliable energy while maintaining flexibility for future technology and market changes.”
NIPSCO said new clean power sources will satisfy a 2023 capacity need following the release of its 2018 Integrated Resource Plan where the company said it plans to retire its remaining coal-fired generation by 2028, and replace it with lower-cost, cleaner options. NIPSCO is considering all sources in the RFP process.
Dispatchable and semi-dispatchable generation, renewables, demand response resources and contractual arrangements will be considered, as well as emerging technologies such as storage, the utility said.
Specifically, NIPSCO is requesting proposals in three areas:
- Wind – Targeting 300 megawatt of installed capacity of wind and wind paired with storage
- Solar – Targeting 2,300 MW ICAP of solar and solar paired with storage
- Thermal and other – Targeting economic opportunities for thermal and other capacity resources
CRA International is the independent RFP manager.
NIPSCO’s current energy mix includes generation from natural gas and coal, hydroelectric generation, purchased wind power, customer-owned renewable generation, demand response, energy efficiency and other purchased power.
The RFP will close Nov. 20. More information is available online at www.nipsco-rfp.com.
Northern Indiana Public Service Co. serves about 820,000 natural gas and 460,000 electric customers across 32 counties in Northern Indiana.