Downtown South Bend Launches Social Outreach Position

The City of South Bend and Downtown South Bend launches Social Outreach position in downtown. This partnership includes a commitment to the downtown business community, residents, and visitors in providing a safe, hospitable, and vibrant community. In response to stakeholder feedback and as part of the city’s commitment to serving all residents, this position will help connect panhandlers and homeless individuals to available resources.

“This Social Outreach position will help ensure that our community and our downtown are safe and welcoming,” said Mayor Pete Buttigieg. “As our downtown becomes more of a destination for living, dining, and entertainment, we’re accommodating that greater usage. By connecting resources with the people who need them, we’re making sure South Bend is safe and accessible for all who come here.”

DTSB, Inc. and the City of South Bend remind the public that the most effective way to curb panhandling and help those in need is not to give money to panhandlers, but to officially recognized organizations instead. We’d also like to remind the public that Ambassador Assistance is available 24/7 in downtown South Bend by calling (574) 400-3949 and in case of an emergency dial 911.

The position is a collaboration between Downtown South Bend, Inc. and the City of South Bend and will be funded through DTSB by a contribution from the Duke & Katy Downey Charitable Trust and the City of South Bend’s Department of Venues Parks & Arts.


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