Pet boutique Hungry Hound adds mobile grooming service
Hungry Hound Boutique and Grooming now offers mobile services.
Pet boutique Hungry Hound adds mobile grooming service Read More »
Hungry Hound Boutique and Grooming now offers mobile services.
Pet boutique Hungry Hound adds mobile grooming service Read More »
J & M Golf Inc. has purchased the 12,000-square-foot space occupied by Louise’s Hallmark Store in St. John.
J & M Golf Inc. moving retail store to Louise’s Hallmark site in St. John Read More »
Nominations now are being accepted for the 2019 Entrepreneurial Excellence (E-Day) Awards.
Nominations being accepted for 2019 Entrepreneurial Excellence (E-Day) Awards Read More »
Lokring Midwest in Valparaiso was among 14 Indiana companies recognized during the Small Business Impact Award program May 9.
Businesses tackle challenges, embrace growth For the Burn ‘Em Brewing crew, the decision to bring its brand and brews to downtown La Porte was driven by demand and a witty outlook. “We have been growing at our own pace for the last few years, and only being in part of Indiana, there is still plenty
Salute to small business leaders making an impact One of the highlights for the region’s business community is the annual celebration of notable entrepreneurs selected to receive Entrepreneurial Excellence Awards. The E-Day Award ceremony shines a spotlight on individuals who have built a reputation for business prowess and community service. The E-Day Class of 2017,
Local companies take the lead in environmental responsibility Every business, municipality and school corporation in Northwest Indiana plays a part in the tremendous use of natural resources, and each has the potential to decrease the environmental impact and dependence on products that can have a negative effect on the planet in ways both large and small.
NWI host to multiple resources designed to help entrepreneurs Cultivating communication skills, mentoring, giving sound advice and offering a collaborative environment are among the ways region organizations are fostering the young entrepreneurial community. “Starting a business isn’t easy. There’s a lot of risk associated with it,” says Lorri Feldt, regional director of the Northwest Indiana
Small business provides a sense of place Small business is the lifeblood of every city or town, regardless of size. A 2012 study by Civic Economics, a company that analyzes the impact of buying local, found that local businesses are known to have a “multiplier effect” on their communities; for every dollar spent at a
Winners of the annual Northwest Indiana E-Day Awards It’s a daunting task to select the special individuals who receive Entrepreneurial Excellence Awards. Each year, the Northwest Indiana Small Business Development Center (NW-ISBDC) asks a 10-member steering committee to sift through countless nominees and identify the best of the best. The process has been going on