PORTER – Indiana Dunes Tourism, the official tourism bureau of Porter County, announced today that it has selected 16 non-profit organizations and other groups to receive $27,750 in grant money to help promote their festivals and events, sporting competitions and other tourism-related projects during 2015.
“The goal of the grant program is to assist individuals and groups who plan to bring visitors into the county by building new attractions or by organizing festivals, events, business meetings and sports tournaments during 2015,” said Lorelei Weimer, Indiana Dunes Tourism executive director.
In 2015, Indiana Dunes Tourism will honor the following grants:
Portage Township Summerfest, $1,000; BrewAthlon, $1,500; Chesterton’s European Market, $1,000; Taltree marketing, $1,500; GLOW: Art After Dark festival, $1,500; Hooked on Art – Live Street Art Festival, $2,500; Lutheran Basketball Association of America, $3,000; Valparaiso University Crusader Classic bowling tournament, $1,000; Chicago Street Theatre season and holiday brochures, $2,000; Chesterton Art Center marketing, $2,500; Disney Institute local conference, $2,500; American Guild of Organists Pipe Organ Encounter, $750; St. Paul’s Cathedral in London Concert, $2,500; Indiana Dunes Birding Festival, $500; Footloose 5K & Event, $1,500; Lightning Bug Music Festival, $2,500.