Mascots for Chicago White Sox, Harlem Globetrotters to be inducted into hall of fame June 18
The mascots for the Chicago White Sox and Harlem Globetrotters will be inducted into the National Mascot Hall of Fame in Whiting June 18.
The mascots for the Chicago White Sox and Harlem Globetrotters will be inducted into the National Mascot Hall of Fame in Whiting June 18.
The mascots for the Chicago White Sox and Harlem Globetrotters are the newest inductees to the National Mascot Hall of Fame in Whiting.
Mascots for Chicago White Sox, Harlem Globetrotters voted into hall of fame Read More »
Ten mascots, from a range of collegiate and professional sports, are in the running for 2022 induction into the Mascot Hall of Fame.
Voting opens Oct. 17 for finalists for induction into Mascot Hall of Fame Read More »
What’s your pleasure? Camping or canoeing? Hiking or bird watching? Chocolate or steam locomotives? Lighthouses or baseball? You don’t need to travel to far from home. All of that and more is available to see, do and experience in Northwest Indiana. And each of these must-see attractions is less than a tank of gas away.