The City of Hobart is transforming its operations with OpenGov, a technology platform developed for the public sector.
After dealing with manual data entry, a lack of online access for permit processing and outdated asset management tools, city leadership selected OpenGov to streamline operations.
With a fractured homegrown system, the building department struggled to prioritize daily work tasks, missed out on revenue after discovering contractors were not pulling permits on time and lacked collaboration between 12 employees. To address these challenges, the department turned to Cartegraph Asset Management and OpenGov Permitting & Licensing.
Cartegraph Asset Management’s platform will help staff better prioritize tasks in the field, provide more structured training for new hires and offer support for managing asset data. OpenGov Permitting & Licensing will enable the city to provide automated renewal notifications and allow residents to track permit expirations via a public-facing portal.
The integration of Cartegraph Asset Management and OpenGov Permitting & Licensing will foster communication and visibility between departments. It will strengthen internal collaboration, expedite workflows and improve service delivery for the community.
The City of Hobart joins more than 1,900 public sector organizations using OpenGov.