Chinese environmental delegation visits NWI

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            PORTAGE – A delegation from the China Environment Forum toured the region Tuesday. They were hosted by the Northwest Indiana Forum, Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission and the Indiana Wildlife Federation.

            The delegation took a boat tour of the Like Michigan shoreline and participated in discussions on regional environmental challenges, collaboration and water pollution. Members of the delegation hope to learn strategies they can use to clean up the severe water pollution in China’s Lake Tai.

            “Our businesses and industries take environmental stewardship seriously,” said Kay Nelson, director of environmental affairs for the Northwest Indiana Forum. “We will share examples of how collaborative efforts involving various stakeholder groups have moved Northwest Indiana forward. It is our hope that the delegation will return to China with innovative ideas, coordinated approaches, communication methods and perhaps solutions to their environmental problems.”

            The Chinese delegation also plans visits to the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore to meet with park personnel and see the Douglas Center, West Beach and Portage Lakefront. In addition, the delegation will meet with representatives of the Porter County Convention, Recreation and Visitor Commission and Save the Dunes Council.


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