SBend Sculpture Initiative Call for Art

Fire Arts, Inc is seeking proposals for two more outdoor sculptures to be displayed within the City of South Bend. This juried exhibition of selected artwork will be exhibited for the balance of the viewing term, May 2017 to September 2018. The installation will occur just prior to the new city celebration called Best Week Ever, a week-long celebration planned to start Memorial Day and continue through June 4.

The goal of SBSI is to enhance the beauty of our South Bend parks and several private housing areas in the South Bend area.

The competition, called the South Bend Sculpture Initiative, is the first of its kind in the South Bend area, and is patterned after several other competitions in the U.S. It started as an idea six years ago after discussions with South Bend artists. Ralph Lampkin, Jr, President of the Board of Fire Arts, Inc., joined forces with South Bend City Council member Fred Ferlic to draft a plan of action and deliver their vision to the public. After a ten month period that dream became a reality last October with the installation of two sculptures in Howard Park.

Public Art, in this case sculpture, is an important factor in the beautification and culture of our community. With the continuation of South Bend sculpture competitions over the next ten years, our rich community could possibly join other cities as a go-to destination where visitors and residents can take a look at new sculpture and experience our history and the talent that exists within our community.

Howard Park is the first area to display these sculptures, which will be installed in May of this year and be on exhibit until September 2018.

The sculptures chosen will be child safe, stand up to our harsh weather conditions and assist in the beautification of our community.  Sculpture entries should be a minimum of 5 feet and a maximum of 15 feet. The artists also must be insured. The two artists selected to exhibit will each receive a $1,000.00 honorarium.

The competition will be co-marketed by Fire Arts, Inc., Downtown South Bend, regional newspapers, and additional regional promotion by


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