NIPSCO announces plans to buy more green-generated electricity from new Indiana wind farms

NIPSCO2NIPSCO is taking additional steps to move away from traditional power generation to more Earth-friendly green alternatives.

Merrillville-based Northern Indiana Public Service Co., announced Feb. 1 its first phase of plans to transition to renewable energy resources through buying power from three new Indiana wind farms. According to NIPSCO, power generated by these wind farms will be connected into the utility's existing system, which serves nearly 500,000 electric customers.

This effort is part of the company's “Your Energy, Your Future” initiative to provide more affordable and sustainable energy. NIPSCO's goal is to be coal-fueled power plant generation free by 2028 and instead supply power through a combination of wind, solar and battery storage technology.

“We’re excited for the opportunity to add more home-grown renewable energy in Indiana,” said Violet Sistovaris, NIPSCO president. “In addition to the economic benefits that projects like these add, the transition we’re making in our electric generation equates to an estimated $4 billion in cost-savings for customers over the long-term.”

NIPSCO has finalized agreements with three renewable energy developers – Apex Clean Energy, EDP Renewables North America LLC and NextEra Energy Resources LLC. The new wind capacity is expected to be in operation by late 2020 with the three announced projects representing approximately 800 megawatts, the company said.

NIPSCO said these projects were selected following a review of bids submitted last year, which concluded that wind and solar resources were lower cost options for customers compared to other energy resource options.

NIPSCO has requested the addition of these wind farm projects in filings with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission:

  • Jordan Creek – The 400 MW wind project, to be developed and constructed by NextEra Energy Resources, will be located in Benton and Warren counties, near Williamsport. The project will include an estimated 160 wind turbines. NIPSCO will purchase the power directly from Jordan Creek, who will operate and maintain the facilities.
  • Roaming Bison – The 300 MW wind project, to be developed and constructed by Apex Clean Energy, will be located in Montgomery County, near Waynetown. The project will include an estimated 107 turbines. NIPSCO will purchase the power directly from Roaming Bison, who will operate and maintain the facilities.
  • Rosewater – The 102 MW wind project, to be developed and constructed by EDP Renewables North America LLC, will be located in White County. The project will include an estimated 25 turbines. EDP Renewables, who will construct the wind farm, and NIPSCO entered into a joint venture and ownership agreement for the Rosewater project.

NIPSCO said it will announce additional renewable projects and plans to issue a second request for proposals later this year.


  • Larry Avila
    Larry is an award-winning journalist with more than 25 years of experience working with daily newspapers and business-to-business publications around the Midwest. Avila is a Michigan native and a graduate of Central Michigan University.
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