NIPSCO president has big plans for utility that serves a million customers
Vince Parisi is no stranger to the utilities sector.
After stints with NiSource’s Columbia Gas of Ohio, AES Corp., Indianapolis Power & Light Co., and Dayton Power & Light Co., Parisi was tapped to be NIPSCO’s new president and COO in March.
As a transplant to Northwest Indiana, Parisi particularly appreciated the company’s Charity of Choice program in September. The program’s 14th year helped 33 nonprofits with the help of 300 employees, who put in 1,200 hours of service.
“In September, we did our (Charity of Choice program), which was really neat,” he said. “It was something different that we do at NIPSCO that we didn’t do at other NiSource companies. It was really an opportunity to try to get people really involved in the communities.”
He said the event also helped him get acquainted with his colleagues, community leaders and customers. “I got to see different parts of our service area and the communities that we serve,” he said.
He is equally proud of the company’s Bridging Our Energy grant program through the NiSource Charitable Foundation. Two organizations will receive two annual installments of $50,000 each in 2024 and 2025. The grant’s goal is to fund programming focused on diversity, equity and inclusion. Grant recipients will be notified in December.
Parisi said he has found the Region to be welcoming, and he appreciates the generosity of its people.
“NIPSCO cares about the future of Indiana and its residents, and we are committed to supporting organizations that are working to bring about positive change and creating a brighter future for underserved or underrepresented people in our communities,” Parisi said in a statement.
NIPSCO also is concerned about the future. Parisi said NIPSCO leaders have been deeply engaged in conversations around its electric energy transition path. In recent years, the company has been invested in renewable energy to help customers with what he refers to as “portability over the long term.”
The company is in the midst of an integrated resource planning process.
“We take a look 20 years out to really understand what kind of growth we may see,” he said. “(This process) also helps us determine what kind of energy resources we might need and what our capacity needs to be.
“So far, it’s really reaffirmed the path that we’re on with respect to really investing in sustainable energy for our future and our customers.”
NiSource’s goal is to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040.
Investing in the Region’s future also comes with a commitment to economic development. Parisi said NIPSCO’s in-house team spends time every day on the ground with stakeholder groups.
“They’re figuring out how we can help make sure we’re that resource as new companies enter into Indiana,” he said. “We want to help them figure out how we can serve them and make sure that they’re successful.”
That mindset comes from an understanding that the Region is on a growth trajectory. “We’re really excited about that and (the fact that there’s a great deal of) energy and attention being focused right now on Northwest Indiana,” he said.
Parisi acknowledges that today’s decisions will drive tomorrow’s outcomes. With that in mind, he aspires to maintain an open leadership style. “I’ve been really fortunate in my career that I’ve been able to lead in a lot of different capacities for a lot of different organizations,” he said. “In doing that, I’ve been able to learn from a lot of incredible people.”
Ultimately, he’s concluded that the best work culture energizes people and gets them excited to come to work each day. He’s mindful about creating an environment where people are happy to be there, feel supported yet challenged, and understand where they want to go in their careers.
Danielle McGrath, president of the Indiana Energy Association, said this philosophy aligns with her observations of Parisi as a leader. Parisi was president of AES when she met him in 2019. He also was an IEA board member. He rejoined the board when he became president of NIPSCO.
Utility companies like NIPSCO work with the IEA to coordinate industry standards, regulatory issues and public policy initiatives that impact energy delivery and consumption in Indiana.
“The words that come to mind when I think of Vince are incredibly thoughtful and pragmatic,” she said.
McGrath said Parisi’s work on the organization’s board of directors reflects his leadership style.
“That presents itself in a number of different ways, such as Vince’s engagement with the IEA in supporting our team and mission and in working with his colleagues on the board of directors, helping us make sure we understand how NIPSCO is positioned and what they need to support the service territory and their customers,” she said. “In the discussions I’ve had with Vince, those are the areas he prioritizes.”
Read more stories from the current issue of Northwest Indiana Business Magazine.