A $60 million investment by U.S. Steel Corp. at its Gary Works facility will create 25 new jobs, company officials say.
Company representatives in late May were joined by leaders of the United Steelworkers, industry partners and elected officials to discuss the announcement, originally made in March, about the installation of a pig iron caster at its Gary Works facility. The investment is a key part of U. S. Steel’s metallics strategy, capitalizing on its iron ore advantage, the company said.
“Mined, melted and made in America has always been important to us, and recent world events have demonstrated how critical self-reliance is,” said David Burritt, president and CEO of U. S. Steel. “This investment at Gary Works, to create the necessary material for our lower-emissions electric arc furnaces, is the perfect example of combining the best of integrated and mini mill technologies.”
Burritt's remarks regarding the importance of the investment can be viewed on YouTube through a link on the U.S. Steel website.
The pig machine will use iron ore from the company’s Minnesota ore operations, Minntac and Keetac. The produced pig iron is expected to supply up to 50% of the ore-based metallics needs for U.S. Steel’s Arkansas-based Big River Steel Works.
“Gary Works is U. S. Steel’s largest manufacturing plant and its role in the company and in this community is significant,” said Daniel Killeen, vice president, Gary Works. “Knowing that the nearly 4,000 employees at Gary Works are not just contributing here, but we now get to utilize our blast furnace efficiency to contribute to the company’s new, most environmentally friendly operations at Big River Steel Works, is something we’re excited about.”
Pre-construction for the caster began earlier this year. Start-up is expected in early 2023.
Gus Atsas, president, United Steelworkers Local 1014, said the process of pigging iron will help secure Gary Works in an ever-changing global market.
“The future of Gary Works and the United Steelworkers go hand in hand,” he said. “Our families and communities depend on our success, and we are proud of the work we do every day.”