Green job growth
Northwest Indiana is a major hub for clean-energy jobs, with 10,320 at the end of 2019. Growth in the industry is expected to continue as the shift from coal accelerates.
Northwest Indiana is a major hub for clean-energy jobs, with 10,320 at the end of 2019. Growth in the industry is expected to continue as the shift from coal accelerates.
More NIPSCO customers are getting their electricity from green sources.
NIPSCO expands green power sources with completion of wind farm projects Read More »
NIPSCO is taking additional steps to move away from traditional power generation to more Earth-friendly green alternatives. Merrillville-based Northern Indiana Public Service Co., announced Feb. 1 its first phase of plans to transition to renewable energy resources through buying power from three new Indiana wind farms. According to NIPSCO, power generated by these wind farms