NWI Forum, Ports of Indiana formalize partnership

The Northwest Indiana Forum and the Ports of Indiana are partnering on multiple strategic initiatives to build the economic vitality of the Region.

The partnership will focus on trade expansion, economic development and environmentally friendly shipping projects in Northwest Indiana.

“We are excited to partner with the Ports of Indiana,” said Heather Ennis, president and CEO of the Northwest Indiana Forum, in a press release. “Having a deep freshwater port in our area gives Northwest Indiana a competitive advantage. We look forward to strengthening the impact this asset can have as we grow the economy of the Region together.”

The Ports of Indiana-Burns Harbor's economic impact tops $4.6 billion a year statewide.

“This new partnership will help us chart a high-speed course for regional growth, port development and collaboration in Northwest Indiana,” said Ports of Indiana CEO Jody Peacock. “The Northwest Indiana Forum has been a tremendous resource for our ports and our state for many years, and we’re thrilled to expand our partnership and formalize our strategic objectives so that we can jointly tackle more complex challenges and bigger opportunities than ever before.”

The two groups also are considering new sites for economic development that would benefit from various modes of transportation.

Ports of Indiana is a member of the Forum and is committed to greater participation in the organization, along with a possible slot on the board of directors.

The Forum's membership includes 140 organizations in the seven-county Region. The Ports of Indiana was established in 1961 and operates three ports on the Ohio River and Lake Michigan.


  • Heather Pfundstein 2024
    Publisher/Executive Editor - Linker Media Group
    Heather Pfundstein is the publisher and executive editor of Northwest Indiana Business Magazine and NWIndianaBusiness.com. She is an award-winning journalist with more than 25 years of experience in Northwest Indiana and northern Illinois newsrooms. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in journalism from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. She has been part of the magazine's team since 2018.
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