Valparaiso University to host mental health workshop

Valparaiso University is hosting a free event Sept. 27 about modern challenges impacting mental health and addiction.

Justice Partners Addiction Response of Porter County will present information about factors that affect mental health and addiction, such as vaping, substance misuse, gaming and social media.

Mary DeBoer, Porter County Circuit Court Judge, will offer welcoming remarks and an introduction. Dr. Delaney Ruston will serve as keynote speaker.

Ruston is a physician and the creator of the movie Screenagers Under the Influence: Addressing Vaping, Drugs, and Alcohol in the Digital Age. The film addresses how the tech revolution has reshaped adolescence and debunks myths. It also shares strategies parents and schools can use to encourage healthy decision-making, support teen mental health, set limits and create healthy home environments. Attendees will view the movie and participate in a post-film discussion.

Other presentations include:

  • Shirley Dubois, Tobacco Prevention and Cessation/Indiana Department of Health regional program director, will address addiction challenges caused by tobacco marketing, based on Porter County data.
  • Dr. Amanda Zelechoski, Purdue University Northwest professor of psychology, will discuss the impact of the pandemic on mental health and substance abuse.
  • Captain Joe Hall of the Valparaiso Police Department will provide an update on the Porter County Crisis Intervention Team.
  • Todd Van Buskirk and Melanie Johnsen will share information about updates at the crisis care at Porter-Starke Services.
  • Todd Willis, Porter-Starke Services director of community engagement, will introduce the My Strength App, an online resource of emotional health support and tools.

The event is geared towards parents/guardians, school personnel, policymakers, law enforcement, social workers, mental health workers, recovery support providers, adult and juvenile justice system partners, faith community members, public health professionals and other interested community members.

The event will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 27 at Valparaiso University’s Harre Union in Valparaiso. Learn more here.

Justice Partners Addiction Response identifies local resources and service gaps concerning addiction and mental health. The Porter County team focuses on reducing barriers to recovery and increasing awareness regarding addiction and mental health. The team also offers training opportunities to reduce stigma and provide practices concerning addiction and mental health.


  • Kerry Sapet
    Kerry Sapet has been a freelance writer for more than 20 years. She has written for newspapers, magazines, websites and the children’s publishing market. Sapet is the author of more than 30 books for children and young adults. She has a degree in journalism from Ohio University’s Honors Tutorial College. Sapet is a Bloomington, Indiana, native, and lives in the Chicago area.
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