Lake County court receives recognition

All Rise’s Justice for Vets division and the U.S. Department of Justice named the Lake County Veterans Treatment Court a national mentor.

National mentor courts serve three-year terms as model programs to assist new or growing courts. The Lake County court is one of five selected nationally. These programs play a role in training, technical assistance, media and research efforts.

As part of the mentor court network, the Lake County Veterans Treatment Court will guide jurisdictions interested in implementing a veterans treatment court. It will host site visits and one-on-one professional shadowing for team members from other jurisdictions around the country.

“This program is a shining example of serving those who have served us and ensuring that our military veterans and service members receive the treatment and benefits they have earned,” Justice for Vets director Scott Tirocchi said in a press release. “As a mentor court, this program is helping to lead veterans who might otherwise be incarcerated into lives of recovery and hope.”

There are over 4,000 treatment courts nationwide, including more than 500 veterans treatment courts.

 The Lake County Veterans Treatment Court started in 2014. More than 300 veterans have completed the treatment court protocol and graduated from the program. There are currently 87 active participants.

The court works with the VA, Volunteers of America, Operation Lima Charlie, Work One, Veterans Life Changing Services, American Veteran’s Collective, The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, The Legacy Foundation and other community partners.

“This is a tremendous honor to be nationally recognized for our efforts to help the veterans of Lake County,” Judge Julie Cantrell, who presides over the Lake County Veterans Treatment Court, said. “We now have the opportunity to share our vision for helping our veterans with other courts across the nation.”

The U.S. Department of Justice supports the All Rise mentor court network. All Rise is the training and advocacy organization for justice system innovation addressing substance use and mental health. All Rise provides assistance at the local, state and national level.


  • Kerry Sapet
    Kerry Sapet has been a freelance writer for more than 20 years. She has written for newspapers, magazines, websites and the children’s publishing market. Sapet is the author of more than 30 books for children and young adults. She has a degree in journalism from Ohio University’s Honors Tutorial College. Sapet is a Bloomington, Indiana, native, and lives in the Chicago area.
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