Chesterton’s town manager resigns

Dave Cincoski
Dave Cincoski

The town of Chesterton announced on its Facebook page that Town Manager Dave Cincoski submitted his resignation May 31.

The Town Council unanimously accepted it during its Monday night meeting.

“I’d like to thank Mr. Cincoski for his services to the town and wish him the best in his future endeavors,” said Council President Jim Ton, R-1st.

Ton also said inquiries can be directed to Rebecca Parker, administrative assistant.

“So if you have any need to call the town manager’s office, there will be someone there, and she will assist you with whatever you need to discuss or she can direct you in the right direction,” Ton said.

Ton also called for the legal department and Council member Jennifer Fisher, R-5th, to write and advertise the town manager position.

According to Cincoski's LinkedIn page, he first started working for the town in 1998 as a police officer, and joined the council in 2005 until 2010 when he became the chief of police. He took on the town manager role in January 2021.

Cincoski recently commented in the story, “Broadband connections,” for Northwest Indiana Business Magazine about the importance of broadband for all. The town recently launched the Chesterton Fiber Optic Network, which serves schools, municipal buildings and businesses downtown.

(Photo provided by Chesterton Town Council)


  • Heather Pfundstein 2024
    Publisher/Executive Editor - Linker Media Group
    Heather Pfundstein is the publisher and executive editor of Northwest Indiana Business Magazine and She is an award-winning journalist with more than 25 years of experience in Northwest Indiana and northern Illinois newsrooms. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in journalism from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. She has been part of the magazine's team since 2018.
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