High school pitch competition names 5 team winners

Sixteen teams competed in the first 2025 Northwest Indiana High School Pitch Competition. Five winners were selected, including two from Munster High School.

Each team presented startup pitches to judges at Purdue University Northwest’s Hammond campus on Feb. 26.

“Overall, I was impressed by the range of concepts and ideas presented in various industries by such talented teams of high school students,” said Judith Cardenas, a business adviser for the Northwest Indiana Small Business Development Center, in a press release. She served as a judge for the competition. “The hard work and preparation of students was evident in their pitches. I wish more people in Northwest Indiana were aware of the content and high-level entrepreneurship skills that our area high school students are being taught and exposed to.”

Winning teams took home $200 to invest in their ideas. The winners were (descriptions provided by the Society of Innovators):

  • Flip-E (Munster High School): Flip-E is an automatic page turner that is paired with a facial recognition app with later education advancements. Team members include Brandon Walker and Omar Aftab.
  • Septo (Munster High School): Septo is the simple solution to noninvasive infection tracking and prevention. The x-shaped bandage is plant powered, using natural pigments to change color as the pH of exudates from a wound becomes alkaline (basic). Team members include Alexis Karahalios, Abby Mena and Jocelyn Aguirre.
  • Filet Twist (Hobart High School): Filet Twist is a filet knife attachment that connects to a fishing pole made in different sizes made for cutting line, fileting fish, etc. Filet Twist was presented by Cameron Hutson.
  • LeafAway: LeafAway is an automatic robot that acts like a vacuum for leaves. LeafAway will have a charging station and will be controlled through an app. In the app you are able to set a boundary for your front yard/backyard so the robot can follow. Team members include Miranda Gutierrez and Mi’Shawn Dawson.
  • SafetyGlow: SafetyGlow is an attachable hazard light that is powered by LED that goes on the back of vehicles and trailers that are disabled on the sides of roadways. SafetyGlow was presented by Ashton Verbish.

Judges included Cardenas; Kristin Burton, assistant professor of entrepreneurship at PNW; and Magesh Chandramouli, professor of computer graphics technology at PNW.

“We are blown away every year by the problems these students are solving and want to do everything we can to give more students an opportunity to share their work out in the community,” said Jason Williams, CEO for the Society of Innovators at Purdue Northwest.

A second Northwest Indiana High School Pitch Competition will take place March 14 in Westville. Student applications are closed, but the public is encouraged to watch the pitches. Sign up here.

“As part of the Society’s initiative to develop and support a youth entrepreneurship ecosystem in Northwest Indiana, it is important to host more of these pitch competitions in our Region,” Williams said.

Innovate WithIN Region 4 Finals with take place April 15 in Hammond. The top team from Region 4 will advance to the state finals. The state winner will receive $25,000 in financing.


  • Heather Pfundstein 2024
    Publisher/Executive Editor - Linker Media Group
    Heather Pfundstein is the publisher and executive editor of Northwest Indiana Business Magazine and NWIndianaBusiness.com. She is an award-winning journalist with more than 25 years of experience in Northwest Indiana and northern Illinois newsrooms. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in journalism from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. She has been part of the magazine's team since 2018.
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