What Matters Most In Managing Your Business

Having trouble focusing on what really matters in the workplace? Try finding a professional credentialed executive leadership coach or professional life coach who can help bring your life and business goals in focus.

“We are living in a world of rapid change and job insecurities. Our life purpose on what is most important to us has been forgotten,” according to Louise Dunn, of LouiseDunn.com and a life coaching business named “Riches Within.” How can you discover your purpose?

Louise suggests to ask these questions;

  • What do people most often compliment you on?
  • What is your passion and lights your fire?
  • What are your core values?

I had the opportunity to meet Louise and discovered that what matters to me most is creating impactful, positive change and being in an influential leadership role. My life purpose is expressed through what I create, including the Northwest Indiana Business Quarterly and being a host/executive producer for a public service radio show in Indy.

There is more of course, including organizations I support and hobbies. As an aspiring entrepreneur, she also helped me to see the value of “doing nothing.” Taking time to be quiet and find peace within from all the distractions, concerns and noise of our times.

“The traditional approaches to managing are being challenged by today’s increasing demands on individuals to perform and by increasing multi-tasking duties,” says Shirley Triller, an Executive Leadership Coach and Vice President of Talent Management for HR Dimensions. “A qualified coach can help identify workplace issues and how to better identify your business goals and objectives.” I had also met with Shirley recently to learn more about her coaching expertise.

Both Shirley and Louise are members of the International Coach Federation, the leading organization for credentialed coaches with over 17,000 members in 90 countries.  Shirley helped me by clarifying business purpose, finding a business partner or forming a partnership and how it will impact my publishing business. For more information on finding a professional credentialed coach to help you and your business, go to the International Coach Federation website at:



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