Volunteers Give Time and Money to Benefit Hospital • Northwest Indiana Business Magazine

Volunteers Give Time and Money to Benefit Hospital

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Members of the Franciscan St. Anthony Health-Michigan City Guild of Volunteers presented hospital president James Callaghan, MD, a check for $80,000, to be used to purchase medical equipment, during their annual awards luncheon April 14. Callaghan thanked the group for its “selfless dedication.” “Every year, I marvel at how the guild is able to raise such large sums of money for the hospital and do all the other day-to-day things that help us so much,” he said. He added the latest donation will be used to purchase arterial blockage diagnostic equipment, along with user-friendly room information boards, so patients easily will be able to see the names of their physicians and nurses and plans for treatment; and a pharmacy medication scanner to help enhance patient safety. Sheila Ito, guild president, said the money is raised through the hospital Gift Shoppe and numerous other fundraisers during the year.



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