United Way opens learning trail in Highland

HIGHLAND – The second United Way Success by 6 Born Learning Trail in Lake County has opened. This trail is in Wicker Park and encourages children to learn through fun and meaningful activities.

The interactive trail contains signs with instructions for games that parents can play with their child to turn a regular walk through the park into a fun learning moment.

“Children are learning right from birth, and continue to learn through every day moments and daily interactions,” said Dr. Jennifer Wright, the coordinator for the Success by 6 program. “Their early years are the foundations for growth and development, and experiences they have each day with their parents and caregivers are very important. By simply playing and exploring, parents can help shape young children and get them ready for success in school and life.”

The trail was developed through a partnership between United Way and Centier Bank. Other trails are at Bellaboo’s Play and Discovery Center in Lake Station, Woodland Park in Portage and at Purdue University North Central in Westville.



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