RDC names new board members

MERRILLVILLE – The Regional Development Co. held its annual meeting recently at Gamba’s Ristorante in Merrillville.

The meeting, the RDC reported that its fiscal year ended with 32 approved loans for $11.7 million. The loans helped produce $33.6 million in project dollars in leveraged investment and created 224 jobs.

“We have seen great growth in SBA lending,” said Erica Passauer, president and executive director of the RDC. “In fact, nationally SBA lending is at its highest level ever.

At the meeting the RDC recognized two of its partner banks for their work in 2011. Centier Bank received the Most Active Bank Partner of the Year Award and Paul
Thiel and Jack Esala, both with Centier, were named Lenders of the Year.

New board members are John Matthiesen of Clifton Gunderson LLP; Keven Jennings, Lafayette Savings Bank; Bert Cook, Portage Economic Development Corp.; and Don Koliboski, Northwest Indiana Forum.


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