Porter Health Care System Assistance for Diabetics • Northwest Indiana Business Magazine

Porter Health Care System Assistance for Diabetics

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Diabetes Education offered by Porter Health Care System includes a series of five classes for diabetic patients. Each class covers a specific topic related to diabetes, ranging from meal planning to complications that can arise, with the last class offering a summary of the series and a chance for patients to ensure they completely understand their condition. “Once they receive a referral from their physician, patients meet with us individually so we can place them into the classes,” shared Diabetes Education Nurse Susan Wehren. “This gives us a chance to spend time with them and work them into a class schedule that fits their life needs.”

“We bring the information back for the betterment of the patients,” Doty continued. “We are always looking at new technology to help patients receive the best quality of life.”

Beyond helping patients understand their condition and coordinating their education, the department ensures there is future support available to those who need it. A support group is offered once a month, February through July and September through October.


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