Indiana Residents Call for Strong Carbon Pollution Limits • Northwest Indiana Business Magazine

Indiana Residents Call for Strong Carbon Pollution Limits

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CHICAGO — On Friday, a delegation of over 50 Hoosiers traveled to Chicago to join with hundreds of residents from Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin to testify at the regional Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) office in Chicago, calling on officials to enact strong and just standards on carbon pollution from coal and gas-fired power plants. Hoosier parents, community leaders, public health advocates and many more spoke out on the harsh effects of climate disruption in their communities.

Carbon pollution is the main cause of climate disruption. The Midwest has been hard-hit by the impacts of climate disruption like droughts, floods and Lake Michigan water levels at historic lows. Just last year Hoosier farmers lost millions in crops due to severe droughts and residents in Kokomo battled the worst flood on record in Spring of this year.

“In Evansville, we are surrounded by coal-fired power plants, including some of the largest and worst polluters in North America,” said Wendy Bredhold, a mom from Southwestern Indiana and organizer for Moms Clean Air Force. “These plants cause heart disease, respiratory illness, asthma and cancer, and are the largest single source of climate disruption pollution. I am testifying for the health of my community and my daughter’s future.”


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