The Highland Griffith Chamber of Commerce wants to make “shop small” a year-round phenomenon.
Its new shop small committee is already off to a good start by tackling its first goal.
Members of the team recruited associate members for the chamber who will serve as resources for the chamber's members. Executive Director Lance Ryskamp said mentors from SCORE Northwest Indiana, the Northwest Indiana Small Business Development Center, the NWI BizHub, the Hammond Development Corp., Innovation Hub of Valparaiso University and the department of managerial studies at Purdue Northwest have already signed on as associate members.
“I am so excited at the great response I have received from the associate members,” Ryskamp said in a press release. “I believe they all will serve as a great network of resources to our chamber members and small business owners who wish to join our organization.”
He said most member businesses employ about five people.
“I want our chamber to help local small businesses, which are the economic backbone of our communities, grow and thrive,” he said. “I think this is a great next step in fulfilling that mission.”
Ryskamp announced the initiative as part of National Small Business Week. The Shop Small Committee originally was formed to organize Small Business Saturday events, which traditionally is the Saturday after Black Friday sales.
“We have decided to greatly expand (the committee's) scope and instead promote and celebrate Small Business Saturday every day,” he said.
The committee also is tasked with creating a social media campaign promoting “shop small” and “shop local.” Creating partnerships with other Highland and Griffith organizations to attract sports tourism and other events is another goal. But promoting the holiday season will still be a priority.
The chamber already has events planned for the summer, including its annual golf outing in July and the Tour de HighlandGriffith bike event in June.