Grants available to improve energy efficiency in Indiana’s rural areas

Electricity poles in an agricultural field

The state seeks to improve and strengthen the state’s rural energy network.

The Indiana Office of Energy Development, in partnership with the Indiana State Department of Agriculture, is offering matching grants to rural communities seeking to improve energy efficiency.

“Energy infrastructure and planning are vital to our rural Hoosier communities,” said Gov. Eric Holcomb. “Energy competitiveness across the nation is becoming a key metric in economic development and this grant opportunity will help position us as we continue our economic development progress.”

The Rural Energy Innovation Grant is a competitive grant solicitation that funds two-year projects to support rural energy innovation in farms, small towns, agribusinesses and small commercial businesses for energy-related studies or implementation projects. The grants are available to those who live in a rural area with less than 30,000 people.

“We are excited to be able to facilitate this funding,” said Jennifer Richardson, director of energy, renewables and resilience policy at the Indiana Office of Energy Development. “Supporting energy innovation and efficiency in our rural communities will help reduce overall energy costs and could invite additional investment into our communities.”

Eligible applicants include agricultural businesses, communities, farms, public entities, non-profits and small businesses located in rural areas. There are two types of grants available, planning initiatives and infrastructure implementation.

Examples of planning initiatives could include any rural energy efficient planning, including audits, such as engineering or re-engineering of buildings, equipment, and/or feasibility studies that propose to utilize higher efficiency technologies.

Infrastructure implementation could include replacing outdated, inefficient equipment or machinery in an agribusiness, the state said. It could also include conducting energy efficient projects that will have a measurable impact on energy usage for HVAC, refrigeration, water quality, livestock, dairy or other types of crop-growing or commercial operations.

Grantees must provide matching funds up to $50,000. The grants are through the U.S. Department of Energy. Proposals are due 5 p.m. Dec. 13 and can be emailed to

Grant recipients will be announced Dec. 30.


  • Larry Avila
    Larry is an award-winning journalist with more than 25 years of experience working with daily newspapers and business-to-business publications around the Midwest. Avila is a Michigan native and a graduate of Central Michigan University.
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