Franciscan Medical Specialists Hosts Rheumatoid Arthritis Program Featuring Celebrity Chef • Northwest Indiana Business Magazine

Franciscan Medical Specialists Hosts Rheumatoid Arthritis Program Featuring Celebrity Chef

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Franciscan Medical Specialists will offer help for dealing with the challenges of rheumatoid arthritis during a free program Aug. 26 that will feature celebrity chef Seamus Mullen, who suffers from the affliction.

Seamus, known for his Spanish cuisine, will perform a cooking demonstration as an example to help those with rheumatoid arthritis better cope.

“Getting by with RA pain isn’t good enough for me. There are many things that people living with RA can do if they learn to communicate with their doctors to help manage their RA. Cooking is one example of how you can stay active and healthy and even have fun while living with RA,” he said.

The program, sponsored by Pfizer and in partnership with the Franciscan Alliance’s Spirit of Women program, will discuss the challenges of living with the condition and explain available clinical tests and disease management programs.    Attendees also will learn how to better communicate with their doctors and to rethink possibilities for living with RA.

The event will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. at Franciscan Medical Specialists, 757-45th St.

For more information or to register, call (800) 931-3322.


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