Centier donates $10,000 to Hammond groups

HAMMOND – Centier Bank has opened a new, full-service banking center at 5433 Hohman Ave. in downtown Hammond.

To mark the grand opening, President and CEO Mike Schrage donated $10,000 to eight prominent community outreach organizations: Hammond Human Relations Commission, Northwest Indiana Reinvestment Alliance, Hammond Housing Authority, United Neighborhoods Inc., Hammond Development Corp., Hammond Innovations Center, Neighborhoods Inc. and Hammond Hispanic Community Committee.

“We may appear to be the new kid on the block, but we’ve been working in Hammond for years,” said Art Russell, director of community lending. “We’ve been meeting and working with many Hammond agencies to develo0p and promote programs for the residents and businesses of Hammond. I’ve seen first-hand how hard these agencies work to provide fair, responsible, positive changes for the city of Hammond and its residents and we’re glad to be a part of that effort.”






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