Bees Will Buzz at Nature Palooza • Northwest Indiana Business Magazine

Bees Will Buzz at Nature Palooza

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VALPARAISO – Bees are responsible for one in three bites of food we eat, but they are dying at an alarming rate. Research shows that they are being challenged by many factors including widely used insecticides. Dr. Jerry Zimmerman is one of the growing number of people worldwide who are working to save these important pollinators. Zimmerman has been a hobby beekeeper for almost 20 years. The rapid decline of these important pollinators concerns him. “Honeybees, like the ones in my hives, are ‘canaries in a coal mine’ and their suffering is telling us that there are problems.”

Zimmerman devotes quite a bit of his time taking care of his 15-20 hives located in Indiana and Ohio and sharing his knowledge of honeybees with others. A retired professor of biology at the University of Indianapolis, he mentors new beekeepers and educates the public. “I like to use my experience to help others understand bees and the current challenge.” He frequently talks to church groups, garden clubs, and school groups about the crucial role of these pollinators and the need for humans to use environmentally friendly practices.

He has noticed that people commonly confuse the nonaggressive, tan-and-black-colored honeybee with the feistier Yellow Jacket. “Yellow Jackets are similarly sized but have bright yellow bands on their abdomens. They are the bees that visit picnic tables.”

NWI residents will be able to see some of Zimmerman’s honeybees this Saturday when he brings his observation hive to the Nature Palooza event at Rogers Lakewood Park in Valparaiso. The hive and its small colony of bees will be inside a well-ventilated display container that allows safe viewing. Zimmerman especially encourages children to observe his bees as many grade schools, in the past few years, have added the study of bees and pollination to their units on the environment.

Nature Palooza will offer a wide range of free activities focused on the environment. The event will run from 10am to 3pm at Rogers Lakewood Park, located at 3210 N. Campbell Street in Valparaiso. All are welcome to attend.


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