B& E Members Raise $2,500 for Salvation Army • Northwest Indiana Business Magazine

B& E Members Raise $2,500 for Salvation Army

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MICHIGAN CITY – Everyone at B&E Marine has a little something extra to smile about this Christmas. The crew members at this Michigan City based company raised several hundred dollars since the end of October for the local Salvation Army’s Red Kettle Campaign. The company then added to the pot to bring the crew’s grand total to $2,500.

From October to December, crew members were allowed to wear blue jeans to work if they donated $1.00 to the Red Kettle Campaign. The crew got excited about the campaign and encouraged vendors and customers to participate as well.

“B&E Marine and its crew members have always supported the Michigan City Salvation Army. Last year we came up with the idea of the blue jeans campaign as a way to get the crew involved. Everyone had a great time, and we couldn’t be more proud of everything they were able to do to help the Salvation Army,” said Rod Bensz, B&E Marine Director of Sales/Owner.

Bensz went on to say that many of B&E’s vendors and clients helped support the Red Kettle Campaign as well. B&E gave the $2,500 donation to the Michigan City Salvation Army as part of the overall donation from the Michigan City’s Rotary Club, of which Bensz is a member.

“Each year the Michigan City Rotary Club and the Michigan City Lion’s Club have a friendly competition to raise as much as they can for the Salvation Army’s Red Kettle Campaign. We did this last year and thought this would be fun to partner once more with the Rotary Club,” said Bensz.

“This is a wonderful way to celebrate community and the true spirit of the holidays,” said Mike Hackett, President of the Michigan City Rotary Club who was also on hand for the presentation.  “The Michigan City Rotary Club is truly grateful for the generosity and kindness of everyone here at B&E Marine.”


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